5 planes + 2 six hour drives + 1 twelve hour train = fun fun fun!
One trip, turning to another, and another... and somehow all of April is gone...
We'll certainly have a blast while we're away though.
Dan's leaving first on Saturday, bound for Toronto (stop #1) to hang with friend and excellent photog
Dexter Quinto
for a week of shooting for UFC in Montreal (stop #2). After which, back to Toronto (stop #3...well kinda) for another few days enjoying the local culture and hanging with other pal and super photog
Felix Wong
From There.... dun dunnn dunnnnnn...!
Off to New York City (stop #4...if you count Toronto twice), for a week of meetings, shooting, and Hawt Dawwggzzz. (how do you type a NY accent?) Anywho... Yippee!
From there, we're meeting up in Miami for a quickie VACATION!!! It will be a week of beaches, 30 degree heat (that's ummm celcius) and
Much needed because as soon as we're back, it's May and wedding madness begins, good madness though!
We'll keep you posted, stay tuned for trip images ;)